Férielle doulain-zouari, yvanovitch mbaya, grégory olympio,
kaloki nyamai, DIDIER VIODÉ



16.06 — 31.07.20

Morceaux Choisis (Chosen Pieces) is SEPTIEME’s response to the current state of affairs.


Our programming cut short, we decided on a group show of what is here, of those who have surrounded us since the opening of the gallery: our artists. The thread tying these pieces was the being together in this gallery that we all share from Paris but which radiates far beyond, from Tunis to Nairobi, via Casablanca and Besançon.


But then these pieces ended up resonating surreptitiously with their time, with the voices that rose and continue to rise from Minneapolis to Paris, the voices of equality and equal representation of men and women, whatever their color or background.

SEPTIEME’s activism lies behind each of our interventions, hoping in this way to participate from our corner in a change in perceptions and the diffusion of art.


Morceaux Choisis is the mirror of our actions, a measure, a moment in time and a vision.


For this exhibition, Grégory Olympio is proposing an installation thought up in situ and ad tempus: a black tarpaulin covers the gallery floor for the next two months; a tarpaulin that makes visible what is not usually visible, a tarpaulin that bothers us, but that will not be removed until we are fully aware of it and accept that the situation is no longer tenable.