KALOKI NYAMAI, born in 1985 in Kitui, Kenya, lives and works in Nairobi. His first inspirations were his mother, who worked in fashion, and his grand-mother, who was a musician. It is his mother who first taught him how to draw and his grand-mother who would recount the stories history books do not tell. Drawing heavily on the stories of the Kamba people he was told by his grand-mother, Nyamai – a multidisciplinary artist who studied interior design, film and taught art classes before dedicating himself to his craft – explores how history and identity are intertwined. His works are multimedia and characterized by rich layers, offering fragments to be pieced together slowly. The lengthy, searching process employed in the making of the works is mirrored in the experience of viewing them. His work as been presented in fairs and exhibitions in Africa and Europe. In 2018, he participated in the third edition of the Kampala Biennale, curated by Simon Njami, with a monumental installation.


KALOKI NYAMAI - Atoi Monthe me Vando Vamwe (The Neighbourgs Came Together), Acrylique et collage sur toile, 220x214cm, 2021. Courtesy Galerie 1957 et l'artiste
KALOKI NYAMAI - Tumete Chatene (Came from the meeting), Acrylique et collage sur toile, 215x200cm, 2021. Courtesy Galerie 1957 et l'artiste
KALOKI NYAMAI - No Movelane (Still on the ball), Acrylique et collage sur toile, 215x255cm, 2021. Courtesy Galerie 1957 et l'artiste
KALOKI NYAMAI - Kumavau Nginya Vaa (from there to here), Acrylique et collage sur toile, 218x223cm, 2021. Courtesy Galerie 1957 et l'artiste