Legal notices

I. Legal Notices

The website (hereinafter the “Site”) is the property of and is published by SEPTIEME Gallery (hereinafter « SEPTIEME Gallery »), a limited liability company with a capital of 1.000,00 €, registered with the Paris Company and Trade register under the n° 853 306 710, whose head office is located at:

31, rue de l’Université, 75007 Paris, France.

Contact telephone number : 06 15 94 77 05 / 06 72 14 26 28

Publishing directors : : Julie Banâtre et Léa Perier Loko

Host :

II. Terms of Service

1. Site introduction


These terms of services are between any user of the Site (hereinafter “the User”) and
Use of the Site involves the fully acceptance of these terms of service (hereinafter “ToS”) by the User. SEPTIEME Gallery reserves the right to modify or supplement these ToS at any time without prior notice. Subsequently, it is understood that the applicable terms are those in effect at the time when the Site is used.

The Site’s main purpose is to provide the User with information pertaining to the business and products of SEPTIEME Gallery. The Site is not an e-Commerce website.


2. Liability


It is the user’s responsibility to have the necessary computer and network resources to access and use the Site. Expenses incurred for the internet access necessary to use the Site are the User’s responsibility.

SEPTIEME Gallery seeks to the best of its ability to ensure that the information made available on the Site is both accurate and up to date when it is placed on line.

Nevertheless, SEPTIEME Gallery :

  • makes no warranties as to the accuracy, precision or completeness of the information provided on the Site,
  • reserves the right to modify and correct the content of the documents published on the Site at any time, without prior notice.

Consequently, SEPTIEME Gallery refuses all responsibility for :

  • any interruptions of service to the Site or bugs,
  • any errors, inaccuracies or omissions in the information contained in the Site,
  • any damages resulting from a third party’s fraudulent intrusion, including any ensuing modifications to information contained on the Site,
  • and more generally, any direct or indirect damages, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequence, arising from anyone’s access or failed access to the Site, from use of the Site and/or from any credit granted regarding information originating directly or indirectly from the Site.


3. Compliance with intellectual property rights


The Site is a creative work protected by intellectual property laws.

Unless otherwise indicated, intellectual property rights relating to documents contained in the Site and any elements created for the Site are the exclusive property of SEPTIEME Gallery, given that SEPTIEME Gallery has granted no license nor any other right except that of consulting the Site.

The reproduction of any document published on the Site is authorised solely for personal and private use, and all reproduction and all use of copies for other purposes is explicitly prohibited.
The brands, patents, logos and other intellectual property rights mentioned on the Site are the property of SEPTIEME Gallery or under authorisation. No rights or licenses shall be assigned concerning any of these elements without the written authorisation of SEPTIEME Gallery or a third party who holds these rights.

This Site complies with copyright law. All of the rights of authors of protected works reproduced and communicated on the Site are reserved. Except where authorised, any use of works other than private and individual reproduction and consultation is prohibited.


4. Links to other sites


The links contained within this Site towards other affiliated or non-affiliated sites are given for information purposes.

The links to all these sites shall not implicate SEPTIEME Gallery in any manner: support for the content to which these links point, or to the products, advertisements or any elements or services presented on these sites.

The cybersecurity and availability of web pages to which some links contained within this Site may direct are not guaranteed.

SEPTIEME Gallery refuses all responsibility for any direct or indirect damages, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequence, arising from access to other sites.

Please remember that these sites are subject to their own terms of service.


5. Applicable law and relevant jurisdiction


The Site, its content and these Terms of Service are governed by French law, unless there are legal provisions to the contrary.

Without amicable settlement and except any legal provisions to the contrary, any disputes linked to the use of the Site will be subject to the relevant courts under jurisdiction of the Appeals Court of Paris.


6. Credits


© Photo credit : Rebecca Brodskis, Joël Degbo, Florine Démosthène, Férielle Doulain-Zouari, Laure Mary-Couégnias, Yvanovitch Mbaya, Kaloki Nyamai, Gregory Olympio, Didier Viodé, Nicola Lo Calzo, Cécile Pirou, Monica Santos, Maurine Tric


Site design and creation : Muffin’Web – Maud Ezavin and Karine Touya