REBECCA BRODSKIS, Effet Miroir, 162x260 cm, huile sur lin, 2021

Effet Miroir

SEPTIEME Gallery, Paris, France

June 10 – July 10, 2021

Effet Miroir is a monographic exhibition project by painter Rebecca Brodskis. First solo exhibition of the artist in France, this exhibition is part of the important development of Rebecca’s career in recent years following her solo exhibitions in Berlin, London (Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery) and Los Angeles (Steve Turner Gallery) in 2020-2021. For the exhibition project Effet Miroir, Rebecca pursued a specific focus by questioning the notion of sameness. The paintings in the exhibition explore the particular sensation of finding in others the same elements as in one’s own personality, discovering consonances and harmonies with the outside world. Similarity is perceived by Rebecca as the founding passage of every individual; as children, we must construct ourselves through this exploration before we are able to become aware of our own bodies, our own existence and thus distinguish ourselves from others. Beyond that, it is the subject of external reality as a reflection of our inner state, based on the following quote from Carl Gustav Jung, “everything we do not see in others is a reflection of ourselves,” that directs the creation of the works. Rebecca wishes to give substance in painting to the idea that reality as we see it is only a matter of perception. More broadly, Rebecca Brodskis’ work is an exploration through painting of the relationship between being and matter and the impact of the social on the individual. Drawn to moments of life that surround her, discussions, images or characters, Rebecca questions these fleeting moments of everyday life that we do not remember, but which shape our existence. She has set out to question the basis of human relationships while at the same time questioning the social context in which we evolve, a world in perpetual mutation, embedded with links that escape us. She uses this complex richness resulting from the social mix that surrounds her, from the confrontation of cultures and individuals. Beyond this richness, it is also the loss of reference points in contemporary societies, caused by the questioning of social foundations, which interests Rebecca. She points out the doubt, the anxiety and the disorientation of her characters in totally decontextualized environments, which are at the same time nothingness and décor of the universal. Her characters are each metaphors of contemporary man, entangled in ever widening social circles, wandering in the meanders of sprawling cities, condemned to extreme lucidity but constantly invaded by the fear of tomorrow.